We are proud to introduce you to the EDUREP. Understanding the core elements required in the functionality of an electronic portfolio of evidence we have taken the needs of our clients seriously and ensured a user friendly, Single Sign on and fully integrated Repository for all learner profiles, assignments, exam results, assessments and any other documents relevant for archiving and tracking of learner achievements and qualifications.
Why EduRep??
Our Education Repository is more simplistic from a user perspective with added functionality and work flows built in to ensure elimination of human error and a new dynamic user experience for all.
Information is easily located, free flowing and most importantly the controls and much more adaptive to the needs of you, our valued client. Including customized reporting, tracking of activities, document library, exports, imports and Dashboard functionality. Customized security levels for all users, with a logical workflow incorporated.
Key Areas of Education Repository
Our Education Repository makes sure messaging, mailing ensuring communication channels are open at all times for all users. Including a “nudge” notification of work to be done per user if applicable or required.
We ensure all security requirements are met and incorporate a sign off protocol and/or electronic signature as and when needed. Detailed auditing reports can be supplied and authenticity of users constantly checked and signed off electronically.
Why ensure usage of providers who transport your paperwork, scan and then archive when you can manage all at a fraction of the cost. Including archiving (unlimited period)
Actions Menu
This is your workflow menu and as you need new process flows *workflows you add; create or change
Database Menu
This is your setup on your environment according to listing below, this list can be added to changed to support your processes and systems within the needs of your environment
Details per selection (please note this is fully customizable can add/remove fields and categories to ensure sustainable for your environment and processes/systems.
Detail showing what falls under Students , this is fully customized to your requirements
Detail showing what falls under Verification , this is fully customized to your requirements
Standard reports available but we do add on customized specific reports requested by our clients
Please note all reports can incorporate your templates / letterhead
You are able to extract any document/s required at any stage with easy access at the click of a button
Storing/Archiving has never been easier
Tracking/Bookmarking features, can add/change or remove > fully customizable
This is the menu where we manage the implementation setup and customization needs of our clients. I have only gone into selected drop downs
Only super users will have access to some areas of the settings menu when fully trained.
We empower and upskill our clients to become self supportive and sustainable but with the support & maintenance element in place, ensuring we are always available.
Detail showing what falls under Settings – Users (we have very high security settings/protocol)
Understanding the constant need for change and the demands placed on businesses, we offer a wide range of e-Solutions, including after sales service, consulting and support for both internal and external product and software development selections.
The group contains a wealth of skills, experience and expertise when combined we unlock unique enhancements through innovation and technology. We understand the constant need of change, to evolve and ensure your choice in Software platforms, services and products work for your business through innovation and technology we ensure your IT infrastructure best fits your business mould now and in the future.
Digital Education Specialists (online tools EPOE/EDUREP)
Project and Change Management consultants
Paterson Job Grading Specialists (online tools and training)
Embracing Innovation and Technology and the application thereof
Software Development hub
Support and Maintenance (software) consultants
Our Top Products
Job Description and Organogram Builder
You are then able to view your organogram (in different structures) and also export for print with your branding. Once you have completed your grading, the outcome is populated in your Job Description and can be filtered into your organogram.
Autograde (Online Paterson Job Grading System)
Tremendis Learning brings you an Online Job Grading Tool, driven by the Paterson Methodology, the leading job grading methodology in South Africa, Sub Sahara Africa and internationally.
Consulting/Software Development
Specializing in inhouse software development products for clients or consulting and enhancing our clients existing software platforms through adaptability, support and maintenance with fully integrated functionality.
Online Ticketing System
Soteria Ticketing is our full-featured issue tracking system which can be tailored to cater to all your support needs.
Electronic Portfolio of Evidence
Our Electronic Portfolios of Evidence is where the evidence of learners is stored in a categorised manner, allowing the process of assessment and moderation to be simplified and controlled in many different manners.
Educational Repositoty
EDUREP is more simplistic from a user perspective with added functionality and work flows built in to ensure elimination of human error and a new dynamic user experience for all.
ERP System, Business process management software which allows organizations to use system integrated applications to manage their business and more importantly automate many back-office functions related to technology; services; business management; projects and human resources (but not limited to)