Our standard and customised tests cover a wide range of skill areas and are the perferct starting point for new users to eSkill’s Online Assessment Service. Subject-based tests cover hundreds of work skills, including soft skills, abilities, aptitudes as well as combination of skills needed for a specific job title.
BROUGHT TO YOU BY DIGITAL EDUCATION GROUP SOUTH AFRICA In partnership with Power Profiles of SA (Marcus Van Wyk)
Marcus van Wyk
Standard, time-effective assessments allow for a complete evaluation of a candidate’s skill level in each area of expertise.
These are off-the-shelf, single-subject tests with 40 questions each. The tests offer a quick-start solution for those looking to test on the fundamentals of a specific skill or industry.
See our complete list of subject based tests.
Multi-subject job-based assessments allow for a complete evaluation of a candidate’s skills in all the areas of expertise needed for a specific job profile in the current employment market.
These off-the-shelf, 40 question tests are designed to assess a candidate’s practical knowledge for a specific job title.
From Customer Service Representitive to Data Entry Operator or Office Manager, we offer the quick solution to get you started on assessing candidates right away.
See our complete list of job based tests.
The Profile XT™ assessment is a multi-purpose assessment that is used for selection, coaching, training, promotion, managing, and succession planning. It is a powerful and dynamic management tool that employs 21st Century technology to put the right people in the right jobs. It is administered on the Internet and reports are immediately available. The assessment measures Thinking Style, behavioural Traits and Occupational Interest.
The Profile XT Executive Leadership report is a tool designed to illuminate the inherent potential of leaders and their approach in confronting challenges while achieving excellence in leadership. This report illustrates how a person’s Interests and Thinking Style contribute to leadership behaviours, the way they process information, and the types of activities that motivate them. All this influence how they approach their work. The assessment provides information on the leaders’ Innovating Strategic Initiatives, Maximizing Resources, Utilizing Organizational Synergies, Producing Quality Results, Mentoring Others, Maintaining High Personal Standards.
The Profile Sales Assessment™ is a multi-purpose SALES assessment that is used for selection, coaching, training, promotion, and effective managing, of the sales force. It is a powerful and dynamic management tool that employs 21st Century technology to put the sales people in the right sales jobs. It is administered on the Internet and reports are immediately available. It measures Prospecting, Closing the sale, Call Reluctance, Self-Starting, working with a team, Building and maintaining relationships, Compensation Preferences.
The Profiles Performance Indicator™ measures five individual characteristics and their impact on nine critically important aspects of success in business. The report helps you understand how an individual is effectively understood, motivated, and managed. It is economical and is quick to take, making it an ideal choice for your business. The assessment measures Productivity, Quality of Work, Initiative, Teamwork, Problem Solving. It also provides suggestions for increased effectiveness.
The Customer Service Profile™ is a tool for making sure everyone in your company is on the customer service team. Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a thoughtless remark on the phone or inattention to a customer’s needs can result in the loss of business. Everyone needs to be concerned with customer service. Customer Service profile measures eight behavioural characteristics and two proficiencies that are key to delivering excellent customer service. It also discloses an employee’s or job candidate’s needs for customer service training and orientation.
This online assessment will help guide you, the Team Leader, to better understand and manage the team and the team members. Team building is much more than putting people together in a meeting to work on a project. The chemistry of the group will affect the outcome of the team’s efforts. The ability of a team to work effectively is greatly influenced by the individual characteristics of the team members and their synergy.
It measures the 12 factors of a team by conducting a quick assessment of each person.
Profiles Managerial Fit™ is a manager assessment which measures critical workplace compatibility factors between managers (executive, director, supervisor, team leader and their employee(s) to determine managerial fit. Understanding the dynamics of the supervisor-subordinate relationship helps the manager work more effectively with each employee by recognizing where their perspectives are similar and where they differ. With this increased understanding, managers can easily identify areas they need to develop, go through appropriate manager training, and strive towards becoming a competent manager.
The Profiles Checkpoint 360 Competency Feedback System is a multi-rater feedback process that provides managers and leaders with an opportunity to receive an evaluation of their job performance from the people around them – their boss, their peers, and the people whose work they supervise. From this feedback, managers can compare the opinions of others with their own perceptions, positively identify their strengths, and pinpoint the areas of their job performance that could be improved. The 8 Universal Management Competencies it evaluates are: Communication, Leadership, Adaptability, Relationships, Task Management, Production, Development of Others, Personal Development. Up to 20 people rating.
The Profiles Sales Checkpoint™ is a 180-degree feedback system that helps sales managers evaluate sales people, surface their development needs, and align sales priorities in order to improve sales performance. It provides useful information to support better coaching and communication, leading to higher sales person productivity and satisfaction, and lower turnover. The Profiles Sales Checkpoint™ is a tool used to help sales people improve their sales performance and selling abilities. The sales person receives feedback from their sales manager which is compared with their own feedback. The combined feedback outlines perceived abilities in skills deemed critical to success in selling and other important skill sets. The 7 Universal Sales Competencies are: Entrepreneurial Approach, Understands the Prospect, Develops Appropriate Solutions, Prospects Proactively, Manages Selling Process, Closes the Sale, Manages Sales Relationship.
The DISC Behavioural Assessment D.I.S.C is a highly accurate tool that identifies an individual’s preferred behavioural style and communication preferences. It also provides a blueprint to help people understand and appreciate what motivates others. The D.I.S.C model measures and describes four styles of behaviour.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a set of skills that help us better perceive, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and in others. Collectively they help us make intelligent responses to, and use of, emotions. These skills are as important as your intellect (IQ) in determining success in work and in life. Everyone, no matter what job function, has interactions with other people. Your capacity to understand your emotions, to be aware of them and how they impact the way you behave and relate to others, will improve your ‘people ‘skills and help you ultimately be more satisfied and successful. The sic competencies of emotional intelligence are: Self-Awareness, Awareness of Others, Authenticity, Emotional Reasoning, Self-Management, Positive Influence or Inspiring Performance.