This is our latest innovative approach to ensure organisations have the correct information and format for Job Descriptions, including version control. Once the Job Description is populated this information automatically feeds into your organogram. You are then able to view your organogram (in different structures) and also export for print with your branding.
Should you be doing a grading exercise, on our Autograde product “Online Job Grading with Paterson” and have completed your grading, the outcome is populated within your Job Description and can be filtered into your organogram.
Employee Profiles are also loaded and you can do comparative checks between what the employee skills sets are vs the requirements of the Job Description loaded. This also works as a document library.
Job Profiling also forms part of the Job Description process Job profiling forms part of the deliverables of the employees in relation to the needs of departmental objectives and deliverables. With the correct job profile employees can be assessed correctly through performance management / KPI’s. Job profiling entails mapping the responsibilities, qualifications, competencies and reporting lines of employees based on the needs of the department and organisation as a whole.
Welcome to the world of technology within the Human Resource Space.
We are proud to introduce you to the Job Description and Organogram Builder. With fully integrated functions to any Human Resource Management software or can be used as a standalone.
Being the pioneers within the job grading industry (specializing in Paterson), the JD/Org Builder is the first step to ensure your job descriptions are ready and you have done your job architecture to start the grading process.
The JD/Org Builder is simplistic from a user perspective with added functionality and work flows built in to ensure elimination of human error, with a new dynamic user experience for all.
Productivity is increased with time management controls that now give you more time to focus on other HR matters requiring face to face engagement, whilst you have the knowledge that your Job Titles, Job Descriptions and Organogram are in order and version controlled at all times.
The most common error within HR is the lack of fully detailed and consistent/standardized Job Descriptions, this is where the module works for you. The Software ensures the correct information is reflecting on the Job Descriptions but we can also insert more topics/fields within the Job Description specific to your requests and requirements.
Not only does the software manage this process, you can also upload your employee details within each job title *description and are able to do a gap analysis to ignite the career planning for your employee which would assist in the usage and application of your Skills Development Levy.
This is our latest innovative approach to ensure organisations have the correct information and format for Job Descriptions, including version control. Once the Job Description is populated this information automatically feeds into your organogram. You are then able to view your organogram (in different structures) and also export for print with your branding.
Should you be doing a grading exercise, on our Autograde product “Online Job Grading with Paterson” and have completed your grading, the outcome is populated within your Job Description and can be filtered into your organogram.
Employee Profiles are also loaded and you can do comparative checks between what the employee skills sets are vs the requirements of the Job Description loaded. This also works as a document library.
Job Profiling also forms part of the Job Description process Job profiling forms part of the deliverables of the employees in relation to the needs of departmental objectives and deliverables. With the correct job profile employees can be assessed correctly through performance management / KPI’s. Job profiling entails mapping the responsibilities, qualifications, competencies and reporting lines of employees based on the needs of the department and organisation as a whole.
Profiling must be aligned to business processes and linked to outcomes.
Verified in order to prevent gaps and/or overlaps between jobs in the same job group ie Office Administration.
Critical impact of job profiling within any organization as they have a direct impact in the number of resources required.
Contact us for more information